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Showing posts from 2009

My thoughts on "Daniel's Timeline"

Several months ago, somebody brought a dvd to our church called "Daniel's Timeline ". Basically, the guy on this dvd claims to know the day when Jesus will return & when the tribulation is supposed to start. We watched it on a Friday night instead of having our usual service. It was the biggest load of bullshit that I have ever heard. I didn't believe it at all. This guy picks & chooses which verses he wants to read, and he skips over the ones that contradict his theory. He points out several verses that he claims prove that we are supposed to know the day, such as First Thessalonians 5:4, which says " But you, brothers, are not in darkness so that this day should surprise you like a thief". This verse, and all the others that he referred to, are only telling us to be prepared. Do you have to know when something in your house will catch fire to be prepared? No, you just need to have a fire extinguisher on hand. We need to be prepared, meaning that w

The Confessions Tour

Okay, so I weighed myself this morning, and I was down to 172lbs. Pretty good, considering that last Saturday I was 175lbs. So... what did I do right? Other than being more conscious of what I was eating, the exercise I got in the last 2 days mad e up for an y lack of it in the entire month of September. Thursday, Casey & me had the grand idea to go bike riding after work. I had not rode a bike in years. By the time we got back, the whole lower half of m y body hurt. I was still in pain when I woke up yesterday . However, I didn't get a break yesterday. Casey & me w ere going to the Pillar concert (the Confessions Tour). This was the line-up: 7eventh Time Down RunKidRun KJ52 Pillar Nathan was supposed to go,....... but he changed h is mind. Whatever. The concert was at New Life Fellowship Church in Biddeford. Casey picked me up at 3:00 , and when we stopped to get gas, I ran into the store to get us each a Dr. P epper . When we go t to Biddeford we went to Wendy's


Okay, so I don't really have anything important to say in this blog. I just thought that it had been a little too long since my last one. I did get to see my nieces this month. My brother's wife, Chantel, flew up with their 2 daughters a couple weeks ago. Her mother, Trina came with her. The girls were adorable. Aaliyah will be 4 in February, and Emily turned 2 in August. I hadn't seen Aaliyah since she was 8 months old, and I had never even met Emily. Me, mum, Chuck, and my grandparents met them at their hotel in Portland on Thursday (the 17th), then we went out for supper at Longhorn Steakhouse. The waiter was one of the best I have ever had. That guy was good at his job. I was worried that the girls might not be that interested in me, since they didn't actually know me. As we were waiting for our table, Aaliyah looked up at me & said "Can I sit with you?" Of course, I said "yes", and she wanted me to hold her hand as we walked to the table. Fr

SoulFest 2009

It was so awesome, where do I begin ? I think I'll begin with Tuesday, the day before SoulFest , the day that we left....... Tuesday: I had just gotten my hair done on Saturday. Pink & blonde streaks. We left at about 9:30 am. Casey's father ga ve us an outdated m ap from 1999, and therefore, we got LOST. We were looking for Hayes Corner, it seemed to exist only on the map. So, we took a wrong turn. We quickly got back on track. Then, while looki ng for our hotel (which we knew was on route 3), we went in the wrong direction on route 3, and we ended up i n Tilton ..... this is not where we wanted to be. I really needed to pee, so we stopped a t W endy' s, an d I ran in to pee. So, we turned around, w ent the other direction and finally got to the place where we were supposed to check in at the Lazy E Inn. T hen, we went down the road to the condo, to drop off our stuff. We were in a hurry because we wanted to take a cruise on the m/s Moun t Washington. We made it 5 m

2009, so far....

Just 25 days until SoulFest....... I can't believe it, that's less than a month. This year started out really crappy for me... for about the first 6 months. But, God has been very good to me, and complaining about every negative thing that happens to me won't get me anywhere. This year, I think I have become a stronger person, and my faith has grown immensely. I've also found out who my real friends are, and that hasn't always been a pleasant experience, but I don't waste time anymore trying to make anybody want to be a part of my life. I think I've also become a bit bolder. Skilly has gone back to his crazy Guinea Pig ways. So, good things have happened in between all the crappy stuff. Now, the best part of the year has almost arrived. SoulFest . I love SoulFest, I look forward to it all year, and I can't believe it's only 25 days away. Skillet will be headlining the main stage on the first night. I'm so excited. I LOVE music, and I especially

First Blog

Well, here it is the first blog....... don't really have anything to say right now, but I got sick of seeing it blank, so..... I'm thinking...... Well, so far this has not been a great year for me. Starting from the day after SoulFest last year , when our house was struck by lightning, then between losing my brother, a chimney fire and being sick twice, it's been rough, to say the least. Then, one of my guinea pigs died a few days ago, and numerous little things in between have contributed to making this year unpleasant..... but anyway, that's too depressing. Let's move on now... So, now that I only have 1 guinea pig, I decided to give him a change of scenery. His cage is up on a table instead of on the floor, so he's in a high rise now, and he doesn't quite know what to think of the new view. His name is Skillet (don't laugh, it's not a stupid name for a Guinea Pig, it suits him). He's also kinda sad, since he misses his buddy Woodstock, but ho