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My thoughts on "Daniel's Timeline"

Several months ago, somebody brought a dvd to our church called "Daniel's Timeline". Basically, the guy on this dvd claims to know the day when Jesus will return & when the tribulation is supposed to start. We watched it on a Friday night instead of having our usual service.

It was the biggest load of bullshit that I have ever heard. I didn't believe it at all. This guy picks & chooses which verses he wants to read, and he skips over the ones that contradict his theory. He points out several verses that he claims prove that we are supposed to know the day, such as First Thessalonians 5:4, which says "But you, brothers, are not in darkness so that this day should surprise you like a thief". This verse, and all the others that he referred to, are only telling us to be prepared. Do you have to know when something in your house will catch fire to be prepared? No, you just need to have a fire extinguisher on hand. We need to be prepared, meaning that we need to be living the way that God told us to, and carrying out the task that he gave us (the great commission). This is confirmed in Matthew 24:42 "Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come". Now why do we need to keep watch & be prepared? Because we do not know the day.

That fact alone was more than enough to prove this theory to be false. However, for anybody who has seen it, and was fascinated by these "discoveries". You can find even more information to debunk it here.

However, other than the reason I gave above, I have two very good points that make it highly unlikely that Jesus will be returning in 4 years (that's what the timeline predicts). By the way, the tribulation started September 1st, if you believe all that crap.

Jesus said specifically that every nation, tribe & tongue would hear the gospel. He was not referring to the bordered countries that we see when we look at a map. He was referring to 'people groups'. A pastor that I was speaking with last week told me there
are somewhere around 700 or so 'people groups' in India alone who have never heard the gospel, that missionaries have never been sent to. That's just India. There are tribes in South America that still remain unreached by missionaries. Jesus didn't say that most nations & tongues, he said all of them.

When Jesus returns, he is supposed to return to his bride, the church,........
a glorious church,
not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing,.... holy and without blemish.....
The church, right now, is far from being holy & without blemish. The church is supposed to come together as one bride.... one body. It is not united as one, instead the body is very divided. I was going to discuss that now, but instead I think I will save that for my next blog, because I have a lot to say about it.



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