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The Confessions Tour

Okay, so I weighed myself this morning, and I was down to 172lbs. Pretty good, considering that last Saturday I was 175lbs. So... what did I do right? Other than being more conscious of what I was eating, the exercise I got in the last 2 days made up for any lack of it in the entire month of September.

Thursday, Casey & me had the grand idea to go bike riding after work. I had not rode a bike in years. By the time we got back, the whole lower half of my body hurt. I was still in pain when I woke up yesterday.
However, I didn't get a break yesterday. Casey & me were going to the Pillar concert (the Confessions Tour).
This was the line-up:
7eventh Time Down

Nathan was supposed to go,....... but he changed his mind. Whatever.

The concert was at New Life Fellowship Church in Biddeford. Casey picked me up at 3:00, and when we stopped to get gas, I ran into the store to get us each a Dr. Pepper. When we got to Biddeford we went to Wendy's to get something to eat. I got a small chili, but I could only eat half of it.

At 5:00 we went inside and KJ was at his merch booth. Everybody was telling him to drink Moxie while he was in Maine (it was his first time). Moxie is disgusting. Don't let anyone tell you it isn't. I asked him, "If the world were a bag of mixed nuts, what kind of nut would you be?"..... His response was pistachio. Then I asked the guys in Pillar the same question. I only heard three of them answer me. Rob Beckley seemed, at the time, to not be paying attention. Anyways, we got right up front & in the center for the concert.

The first band was 7eventh Time Down. I had never heard of them, but they were great. I would definitely buy their cd (actually, I was going to after the concert, but I forgot). The bass player was hot. Anyway, it was a nice way to start the show.

The next band was RunKidRun. I have to admit, I'm not really a fan of RunKidRun. I think they're okay, and I like a few of their songs. They just aren't even close to being one of my favorites. They did , however, put on a good show and I enjoyed it very much. I also have to point out that every guy in that band had very dirty-looking shoes. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with that, it's just an observation I made since I was almost at eye-level with their feet.

Next, Rob Beckley came out with an acoustic guitar. He wanted to
show the 'softer side' of Pillar. He did "Smiling Down", and then he did a worship song "Everlasting God". I love taking time during a concert for worship. Now, about his shoes..... those shoes were so friggin' shiny I could probably see myself in them. I'm just pointing that out.

Next...... KJ came out. He makes his show into a workout. If you've been to one of his shows, you already know. If you haven't, there's no use trying to explain i
t, just go to one.

Then..... finally, what we had been waiting for (not that we hadn't been looking forward to KJ). Pillar. They were freakin' amazing. Rob Beckley is hot, and so is
their new drummer....... but anyways, that's not important. They did a lot of songs from the new record, and the show was great.

KJ came out to sing with them at one point.

My new desktop background:

I also have to say, I love Rob's hair. If I were a guy, I would wa
nt my hair exactly like that. The cut & the color. I know, that was really random, but I just had to mention it. Awesome hair like that on a guy should not go unnoticed.

This was almost my new desktop background:

When the show was over, everybody was screaming for an encore. So they came back out, and did not one, but two songs. The last song was a worship song called "Majesty". I absolutely loved the fact that they ended with a worship song.

After the concert, my legs felt like jello. The guys from Pillar were at the table signing autographs again, so I said to Rob "I asked you a question earlier, but you weren't paying attention". He said "No, I answered you, I said Brazil nut". The next day, when I watched the video, I did hear him say it, I just didn't hear him at the time, because he wasn't looking at me when he said it, and he was too quiet. He kind of mumbled.

I also have to say, that he looks very different without a hat. Usually when I've seen him in interviews, he's wearing a hat & glasses, which makes him look like a completely different person. I think it's really weird. Anyway, the whole concert was great, I loved it, and I got enough friggin' exercise to last me all month. My body is still feeling the effects of it. Who needs the gym?



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