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Showing posts from October, 2009

My thoughts on "Daniel's Timeline"

Several months ago, somebody brought a dvd to our church called "Daniel's Timeline ". Basically, the guy on this dvd claims to know the day when Jesus will return & when the tribulation is supposed to start. We watched it on a Friday night instead of having our usual service. It was the biggest load of bullshit that I have ever heard. I didn't believe it at all. This guy picks & chooses which verses he wants to read, and he skips over the ones that contradict his theory. He points out several verses that he claims prove that we are supposed to know the day, such as First Thessalonians 5:4, which says " But you, brothers, are not in darkness so that this day should surprise you like a thief". This verse, and all the others that he referred to, are only telling us to be prepared. Do you have to know when something in your house will catch fire to be prepared? No, you just need to have a fire extinguisher on hand. We need to be prepared, meaning that w

The Confessions Tour

Okay, so I weighed myself this morning, and I was down to 172lbs. Pretty good, considering that last Saturday I was 175lbs. So... what did I do right? Other than being more conscious of what I was eating, the exercise I got in the last 2 days mad e up for an y lack of it in the entire month of September. Thursday, Casey & me had the grand idea to go bike riding after work. I had not rode a bike in years. By the time we got back, the whole lower half of m y body hurt. I was still in pain when I woke up yesterday . However, I didn't get a break yesterday. Casey & me w ere going to the Pillar concert (the Confessions Tour). This was the line-up: 7eventh Time Down RunKidRun KJ52 Pillar Nathan was supposed to go,....... but he changed h is mind. Whatever. The concert was at New Life Fellowship Church in Biddeford. Casey picked me up at 3:00 , and when we stopped to get gas, I ran into the store to get us each a Dr. P epper . When we go t to Biddeford we went to Wendy's