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Showing posts from July, 2009

2009, so far....

Just 25 days until SoulFest....... I can't believe it, that's less than a month. This year started out really crappy for me... for about the first 6 months. But, God has been very good to me, and complaining about every negative thing that happens to me won't get me anywhere. This year, I think I have become a stronger person, and my faith has grown immensely. I've also found out who my real friends are, and that hasn't always been a pleasant experience, but I don't waste time anymore trying to make anybody want to be a part of my life. I think I've also become a bit bolder. Skilly has gone back to his crazy Guinea Pig ways. So, good things have happened in between all the crappy stuff. Now, the best part of the year has almost arrived. SoulFest . I love SoulFest, I look forward to it all year, and I can't believe it's only 25 days away. Skillet will be headlining the main stage on the first night. I'm so excited. I LOVE music, and I especially